‘Pretty Little Liars’ Recap Spoilers: The Girls Escape From Charles' Grasp

In last week's episode of Pretty Little Liars, the girls were able to make their escape from Charles, but that did not mean that they got rid of him for good.

The girls are almost positive that Charles and Andrew are the same person, but they want to be avenged for what happened to them.

Toby found Andrew in the woods and attacked him, then a cop showed up and arrested Andrew.

Meanwhile, Alison's father was upset that she put herself in danger in order to help get her friends out of trouble.

She finally asked him, however, who Charles DiLaurentis is, and her father refused to answer the question, denying that Charles even existed.

While the girls were still in the hospital, Emily paid a visit to Sara Harvey, who admitted that she ran away two years ago and was kidnapped by Charles, but when Emily pressed her for more information about him, Sara shut down.

After the girls returned home, Aria wanted to talk to the police, as she wanted Andrew to be served justice for what she thought she did.

Later on, she headed to The Brew and ran into Ezra, who was very kind to her.

Hanna spoke to Ashley about what happened while they were in Charles' dollhouse, and Emily's mom was furious with her about going behind her back to break into her father's safe and use his guns to practice at the gun range.

At the end of the day, none of the girls were able to sleep, and they began to question whether or not they were right about Andrew and Charles being one in the same.