Trending News|March 16, 2015 04:18 EDT
'Preacher' New Series News, Cast Rumors: Dominic Cooper Tapped for Lead Role - Reverend Jesse Custer?
Recent news has come about for Seth Rogen's live action adaptation of the comic book 'Preacher', suggesting that actor Dominic Cooper will be cast for the series as its lead character, Reverend Jesse Custer.
This is the first actor revealed to be attached to the upcoming AMC series. Cooper is best known for his work on Marvel's 'Agent Carter' as Howard Stark, and his portrayal of the character in 'Captain America: The First Avenger'.
Here's the network's description for the series:
"'Preacher' follows Reverend Jesse Custer, a tough Texas preacher who has lost his faith, and has learned that God has left Heaven and abandoned his responsibilities. He finds himself the only person capable of tracking God down, demanding answers, and making him answer for his dereliction of duty. Accompanying Jesse on his journey is his former girlfriend and a friendly vampire who seems to prefer a pint in the pub to the blood of the innocent. On his tail is one of the most iconic bad guys in print - an immortal, unstoppable killing machine named the Saint of Killers -a western lone gunman archetype whose sole purpose is to hunt and kill Jesse."
Fans of the comic aren't sure what to think about Custer's casting as he isn't typically involved in many dark roles. Its even more in question as to how the network plans to adapt some of the really dark and religious themes for television.
As it stands, there is currently no release date on the series.