Trending News|June 04, 2016 10:53 EDT
'Pokemon Sun And Moon' Release Date News: Legends, Characters, Rotom Pokedex Leaked
In line with Nintendo's forthcoming "Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon" game titles, new details on the legends, characters, and Pokedex have been revealed.
On June 2, Nintendo released a "Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon" update, which mainly featured the games' legendary mascots, Solgaleo and Lunaala, the new characters from the Alola region, plus a Rotom Pokedex.
According to Pokebeach, Solgaleo, the mascot for "Pokemon Sun," has a weight of 507.1 lbs and a height of 11'02." The Sunne Pokemon is set to have a psychic/steel typing, which makes it weak to ghost, dark, fire, and ground type moves. It also showed its signature move, Sunsteel Strike, in which the Pokemon charges at its foe with the force of a meteor, regardless of the target's ability.
Solgaleo's ability is Full Metal Body, which prevents his stats from being reduced by effects of his foe's attacks or abilities.
On the other hand, Lunaala, the mascot for "Pokemon Moon," weights 264.6 lbs and stands 13'01." The Moon Pokemon gets a psychic/ghost typing, which makes weak to only dark and ghost moves. However, Lunaala gets quadruple damage from moves of the said type. The Pokemon's signature move is Moongeist Beam, in which an ominous beam of light is released regardless of the target's ability.
Lunaala's ability is called Shadow Shield. It allows the Pokemon to receive less damage from an attack that hits it when it has full HP.
Aside from being able to select the primary game character, "Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon" players are set to meet Professor Kukui, the mysterious girl Lillie, and the Pokemon-loving young boy Hau. Also, players are set to receive a Rotom Pokedex from Professor Kukui. The device is inhabited by the lightning ghost Pokemon Rotom and it is able to show players their current location and destination.
"Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon" are set to be released in Nov. 18. Watch the trailer here.