'Pokemon Sun And Moon' News, Rumors: Alola’s Dark Gym Leader, New Mega-Evolutions Leaked

In line with Nintendo's "Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon," it is revealed that more details on the upcoming titles are set to be released next week.

Fans are set to learn more information on Nintendo's much-anticipated games on July 1, IGN has learned. As per the publication, the studio is set to unveil the details at 10:00 p.m. In Japan, which is 6:00 a.m. Pacific Time, 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time, and 2:00 p.m. in the United Kingdom.

Prior to the forthcoming details on the game, Nintendo has revealed that "Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon," the seventh generation installments of the "Pokemon" game series, are going to be set in the Hawaiian-based Alola. In addition, previous trailers highlighted the names and typing of the three starter Pokemon, as well as details on the games' legendary mascots.

As the game is fast approaching, various speculations on the title's gameplay have also surfaced. According to Pokebeach forum member CF1994, "Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon" could see a Dark Gym, with its leader serving as Roxie's male version. As per CF1994, the dark gym leader could also have a personality at par with the gym type, along with a Pokemon that has the ability Prankster, which lets the user attack first with a non-damaging move.

Another speculation are mega-evolutions for some Pokemon. The concept was introduced in "Pokemon X" and "Pokemon Y," in which fans witnessed big three starter Pokemon Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise mega-evolve, among others. According to Pokebeach forum member Siren, Flygon might have its mega-evolution in "Pokemon Sun" and "Moon," along with Butterfree, Pyroar, Starmie, Exeggutor, and Arcanine.

For the time being, players are set to choose between Solgaleo and Lunaala, and among Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio, when "Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon" come out on Nov. 18.