Playstation VR Release Date, Price News: Demo Disc Coming With Bundle To Promote Headset

Those who will buy a Playstation VR will get their very own demo disc that will show the other games that will eventually be played by users, according to the latest news report surrounding Sony's latest headset.

According to Richard Marks, Magic Labs senior research engineer, shared the news during the GamesBeat 2016 event where he said that a five-minute demo disc will be included in the purchase of a Playstation VR.

He said this is one way to promote the headset to others people, although he conceded that the use of demo discs is kind of an old news when downloadable demos were made available. The "five minutes of awesomeness" can then be showed off to friends of the Playstation VR user.

However, he also said that they will also employ demo kiosks all over the country. In fact, Sony is targeting about half a million demos before 2016 is over.

In other news, Wareable listed the most anticipated titles for the Playstation VR. These include:

- "Batman: Arkham VR" where you play the Dark Knight probably solving a mystery while fighting villains along the way.

- "Resident Evil VII Biohazard which promises to be one of the franchises most disturbing so far.

- "Star Trek: Bridge Crew" which plays exactly as it sounds. This is best played with friends as you take control of the Starship.

- "Final Fantasy XIV" is one of the most anticipated games simply because over the years, the franchise has developed quite a cult following. There's nothing like being immersed in the game itself after years of playing it on console.

The Playstation VR will be launched on Oct. 13 and will cost about $500 for the whole bundle, according to the news reports.