Playstation VR Release Date, News: Gamers Need A Bigger Room

Sony has released the requirements for its Playstation VR and it seems there's a bit of bad news for those living in cramped spaces: they may need to clear up some room.

Apparently, to enhance the experience of virtual reality setup, users have to stay within the confines of the Play Area. And how big is it? It's about 10 feet by 6.2 feet, which roughly translates to about 60 square feet of area.

The post recommends that the height of the room will depend of the ranger of the camera sensors. But they need to clear any obstacles surrounding the Play Area before setting up the Playstation VR.

 "We suggest users sit while using VR headsets," the Playstation blog stated. "Height of play area equals to height of area captured by the camera."

However, if the game requires the users to stand up before the playing the Playstation VR, they need to follow the instructions thoroughly and always be mindful of their surroundings.

The experience will vary for everybody and that's the reason why Sony is advising those who want to purchase the Playstation VR to try it first in the store before bringing one home.

According to the news from IGN, there's a huge hype in the Playstation VR as can be gleaned from the pre-orders, which has since been sold out within minutes of the announcement. Those who missed out will have to wait until the Oct. 13 release date to get their hands on the unit.