PlayStation VR News Update: GameStop Running Out Of Orders In Time For Holiday Season?

The orders for the PlayStation VR just keep on coming, and this bit of news come from retail chain GameStop which claimed that they are going to receive more units to replenish their stocks.

In a statement, Gamestop SVP for merchandising Bob Puzon, said, "PS VR is off to a great start at GameStop, having already exceeded our early expectations. Due to the popularity of the system with our customers, we have received additional units for holiday."

Sony previously shared the news about a PlayStation VR bundle where the buyer gets two controllers, headset, the PlayStation camera and "PlayStation VR Worlds." The $500 price tag from Gamestop already includes a game which could be the "Batman: Arkham VR" or the "Until Dawn: Rush of Blood."

But there's another bundle that will also give you eight titles. Aside from Batman and Dawn, you also get "Battlezone VR," "Rigs: Mechanized Combat League," "Loading Human: Chapter 1," "Eve: Valkyrie" and "Driveclub VR." This one will cost you $890, however.

In related news, GamesRadar said that while PlayStation VR is impressive, there are a number of wishlist that Sony could do to make the headpiece even more exciting. For instance, there should be more third-party apps other than just games. Also, the sound and volume control needs to have more options, but that's at the bottom of the list.

What would make the PlayStation VR more immersive and functional, however, is to link it up with Twitter or Facebook where the player can check messages without logging off should be the next step, the news article said.