PlayStation Plus September 2015 Free Games News: Sony Reveals First ‘Vote to Play’ Title [VIDEO]

Sony has finally unveiled the list of titles included in the PlayStation Plus free games for September 2015. The list is something special for the PlayStation Plus members, who were allowed to vote on the title they desire to play free via the 'Vote to Play' promotion.

Christian Today reports that Sony reveled on the official PlayStation website that 'Grow Home,' developed by Ubisoft Reflections, will be one of the first title that will be released as a free game for September 2015. This adventure platform video game got the top spot in the 'Vote to Play' poll.

'Grow Home' focuses on the robot named B.U.D., who needs to grow a plant known as the "Star Plant" that will provide oxygen in his home planet. The title was first released for PC on Feb. 4, and it will debut on the PlayStation 4 at the start of September 2015.

However, initially there was no plan to release 'Grow Home,' as it was just an experimental project developed by an eight-member Ubisoft Reflections team. In fact, the game was meant to be launched only for the staff. However, the Ubisoft management decided to release it to the public following its successful testing stage.

Critics have highly recommended the open world environment of 'Grow Home' owing to its map and incredible visuals.

Meanwhile, Sony has also released the names of other titles that will be available for free to PlayStation console owners during September. These titles include:

  •  'Super Time Force Ultra' - PlayStation 4 and PS Vita
  •  'Xeodrifters' - PlayStation 4 and PS Vita
  •  'Teslagrad' - PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3
  •  'Twisted Metal' - PlayStation 3
  •  'La Mulana EX' - PS Vita

In addition, players can purchase 'Armello' and 'Zombie Vikings,' which missed the top spot in the poll during the 'Vote to Play' period for September 2015, a discounted price from Sept. 1 to 15.

All the PlayStation Plus free games for September 2015 can be downloaded beginning the first Tuesday of the month.