Sony PlayStation 5 Release Date Rumors Hint of 2020 PS5 Launch

The year is coming to a close and many Sony PlayStation fans cannot help but to include the game console on their Christmas wish list. Many gaming fanatics and commentators are speculating on the possible PlayStation 5 (PS5) release date rumors.

As to what has been the pattern of releasing new PlayStation versions in the past, the gap between previous and current versions have been about six to seven years.  

PS1 was released in 1994, but it took more than five years before PS2 was released.  The time gap between PS2 and PS3 is roughly 6 years. PS3 and PS4 have a gap of seven years.

PS5 is rumored to be released on November 15, 2020, seven years after the release of PS4. If the trend is to be followed, this projected date may prove to be very accurate.

However, there are some indications leading some gaming enthusiasts and commentators to speculate that PS5 could be released at a much earlier date, which could be as early as 2017.

The fast-evolving computing technology could allow developers to integrate virtual reality features in PS5. 

Shuhei Yoshida, the current president of Sony's Worldwide Studios for Sony Computer Entertainment, was recently quoted as saying that the company will give developers full creative freedom in developing the newest generation of PlayStation.

This includes the freedom to determine the best possible release date of the PlayStation 5.