TV|September 03, 2014 04:46 EDT
PBS Airs Controversial Pro-Choice Movie 'After Tiller’ About Late-Term Abortionist George Tiller; Networks Offers Explanation (TRAILER)
In a recent interview, PBS associate POV explained why the network aired the controversial film regarding the abortionist George Tiller a few days ago.
"[The documentary's goal is to] change public perception of third-trimester abortion providers by building a movement dedicated to supporting their right to work with a special focus on maintaining their safety," said POV to LifeSiteNews.
"We do believe that 'After Tiller' adds another dimension to an issue that is being debated widely. [It] does not have any other films currently scheduled on this issue. POV received almost 1000 film submissions each year through our annual call for entries and we welcome the opportunity to consider films with a range of points of view."
POV made the following statements regarding some of its viewers that were offended by the pro-abortion film.
"The filmmakers would like the film to add to the discussion around these issues. Abortion is already a legal procedure," said POV, "This is an issue that people feel passionately about and will have a passionate response to. We are hopeful that the majority of people can see it for what it is, another lens on a very difficult issue."
American Life League President Judie Brown issued this statement regarding the provocative film about the late term abortionist who was shot to death by anti-abortion activist Scott Roeder on May 31, 2009.
"'After Tiller' is nothing short of pure propaganda intended to demonize the entire pro-life movement and drum up support for late-term abortion," said Brown in a report.
"Why are pro-life tax dollars being used to paint a sympathetic picture of abortionists who stab babies in the base of their skulls just moments before they are born? Where is the sympathy for the babies, whose brains are being sucked out by vacuum machines by these abortionists?"