'Furious 7' Cast News: Late Actor Paul Walker was Nearly Done with Franchise After 'Fast 5'

'Furious 7' just sent the late actor off in a very touching way, and even though Walker has been an integral part of the cast since its early days, it's been been revealed that he was ready to quit the franchise quite a while ago.

According to an interview with the LA Times in 2011, it was revealed that the actor was close to throwing in the towel. While he enjoyed his last couple films, he felt as if the franchise was running itself into a hole, as many fans also believed. He stated:

"I thought it was stale. They were talking about my involvement with the fourth one and I was like, 'Are you kidding me? Really?' Obviously, we made the first one that catered to pop culture and a youth-driven audience. But trends shift overnight with that audience. Nine years later, I really questioned if there was even an audience anymore."

In 2015, we now know the actor couldn't have been more wrong. 'Furious 7' is continuously breaking records at the box office, while the franchise has talks of releasing at least three more films.

While Walker's presence in the films will be missed, his legacy may be responsible in moving the franchise even further.