Pat Robertson Calls Buddhism a 'Disease' On The 700 Club, 'They’re Going to Get to You...’ [VIDEOS]

Pat Robertson Photo
Photo of Pat Robertson |

Longtime host of 'The 700 Club', Pat Robertson, is under fire for some remarks he made that compared Buddhism to a deadly epidemic that could "contaminate" her. 

The longtime televangelist made the remark after a Christian woman named Tina wrote a letter about how her Buddhist co-workers are constantly trying to convert her to their religion since she is the only one at her job that does not believe in Buddhism.

In addition, Tina also explained in the letter to Robertson that the constant Buddhist evangelism by her co-workers has started to become a nuisance to her ever since she rededicated her life to Christ last year.

Furthermore, Tina asked Robertson if she should stay in the company and try to evangelize to her colleagues about the Gospel of Jesus Christ or should she use the hostility she feels from her co-workers as a sign from God telling her to move on and find another job?

As a result, Robertson then compared Buddhism to a plague when he advised Tina to find another job on the March 9th edition of 'The 700 Club'.

"If you are healthy and there is a mild contagion around you, the chances are you won't get it. But, if you put yourself in the middle of a hospital ward where everybody has that disease except you, sooner or later you will be affected by it...," said Robertson on 'The 700 Club'.

The 84-year-old Virginia native further explained his figurative correlation of Tina's working environment regarding the two religions and a hospital dealing with a prevalent plague.

"If you're in the middle of hundreds and hundreds of people who believe that way, you've got an uphill fight. And I think your best thing at that point is to withdraw with dignity. Get out of that environment because they're going to get to you before you get to them."

Now, because of these statements Robertson is currently being criticized for his remarks, most notably from an Agnostic host from a YouTube video.

The 'Secular Talk' host Kyle Kulinski slammed Robertson stating that the 'The 700 Club' host and other notable Christian televangelists including the late Jerry Falwell are afraid that their religious beliefs would prove to be false if an individual is exposed to other religions and beliefs.

'I do have this theory that I always talk about how everybody is an agnostic. That everybody is truly an agnostic but there are varying degrees...How do you know that the God of a particular religion is the God and this God is real. Can you really know that?...," said Kulinski.

Robertson's 'The 700 Club' became a daily Christian variety show that features preaching and Bible study group prayer after it originally debuted as a telethon in 1966.