Music|November 11, 2022 03:02 EST
Passion's Kristian Stanfill releases new solo album - Make It Out Alive

ATLANTA, GA/NASHVILLE, TN - sixtstepsrecords/Capitol CMG's Kristian Stanfill has penned a deeply personal project, Make It Out Alive, which is available today. This album is an invitation to an honest conversation and an unexpected open door for others to find the same hope and healing Stanfill has discovered over the last two years. Make It Out Alive is his first solo album since 2011, and these songs were born on the journey from brokenness to healing experienced in his own story.
“I think a lot of people will understand this kind of crossroad that I’m talking about," shares Kristian Stanfill. "It looks different for everyone, but it’s at these points of intersection we get to decide if we are going to keep playing the game or start telling the truth. I decided, with the help of my wife, friends, pastors, and counselors, to tell the truth.”
The eleven songs featured on Make It Out Alive point to Heaven's design for community, wholeness, and the joy possible from the lowest point to the path of hope, healing, and restoration.
He continues, “I started to think maybe these songs could help someone else. I was learning about this new way of life and I had never felt so alive and free. I want everyone to experience this kind of freedom. The truth is, we are all broken and none of us have it all together. My goal would be that some of my honesty in these new lyrics and melodies will help someone else step into their freedom.”
Each of these songs has become an Ebenezer marking a victory for him and a reminder to the listener that with Jesus, we can make it out alive. A raw, intimate live performance video of the title track has also premiered today alongside the celebration of the album release. Click below to watch.