Trending News|June 11, 2016 11:28 EDT
'Overwatch' DLC News, Rumors: Title To Include New Characters, Some Nerfs And Buffs
Aside from Sombra and Liao as new characters in "Overwatch" DLC, it is revealed that they are joined by Doomfist, Soundquake, and Athena. Also, the game is set to feature some nerfs and buffs.
According to The Bit Bag, Doomfist could be the name of the hero who wears the gauntlet in the "Overwatch" DLC trailer. As per the publication, it is a massive gauntlet, which is also transported by the attacking team when players play Payload at the Numbani map.
As per YouTube channel Failcraft, there might have already been several Doomfist owners and anyone can possess the relic. Doomfist is also believed to have three personalities - a Savior, a Scourge and a Successor - which can be all seen in the Numbani poster.
The "Overwatch" DLC trailer also sees a child who mentions the name "Soundquake." It is revealed that Soundquake has the power to unleash missiles coming from his chest. Also rumored to be part of the initial artworks for "Overwatch," the game character was depicted as a colossal armored robot at the back of the previous art.
Another possible rumored to join "Overwatch" is Athena, Winston's virtual assistant who can be heard in "Overwatch's" short called "Recall." It is revealed that initial game artworks unveil a robot standing between Winston and Tracer, with Athena's logo on its forehead. Thus, seeing Athena take part in combat is viewed as interesting.
In other news, "Overwatch" hero designer Geoff Goodman teased nerfs and buffs in the title's DLC. According to Goodman, as cited by Latin Post, McCree is set to have a combo involving the flashbang and peacemaker, which are viewed to be broken in the game. Thus, the character's Fan The Hammer move is about to have some nerf treatment in patch 1.
D.Va is also revealed to receive a sort of buffing; however, it is yet to be confirmed if the mechanism will be in a form of damage increase or ability enhancement.
Watch the "Overwatch" cinematic trailer here.