Trending News|June 01, 2016 03:55 EDT
'Overwatch' DLC News, Rumors: Upcoming Game To Officially Unveil Two New Characters?
In line with Blizzard Entertainment's "Overwatch," two characters from the game's upcoming DLC have been revealed.
The forthcoming "Overwatch" DLC is set to include characters named Liao and Sombra. According to Play Overwatch, Liao stands as one of the founding members of Overwatch, along with Linholm, Wilhelm, Amari, Reyes, and Morrison. As per the publication, the aforementioned characters have been formally introduced and have appeared in the game. It is the first time Liao is mentioned; thus, his introduction to the game is extremely likely.
The second character who is rumored to be included in the "Overwatch" DLC is Sombra. According to The Bit Bag, the character was speculated to be confirmed in the game prior its official release on June 23. Also, rumors reveal that she was designed to be a support sniper that has similar masked theme with other veterans like Reaper and Soldier 76. The character wields a sniper rifle, which is believed to contain tremendous power like those in advanced military first-person shooters.
"Overwatch" assistant game director Aaron Keller also revealed Blizzard Entertainment's plans for the game. In his interview with Attack of the Fan Boy at PAX East 2016, he said that they definitely planned on expanding the hero roster and they planned on releasing new maps for the game. He also mentioned that they had talked about what they would like all of those to be free when they were released.
According to Keller, when they released a hero, everybody in the game gets to play the hero. He added that they thought it was so important for one to get to pick any hero he wanted, to either counter what the enemy team was doing or just to fit with his personal play style. For the assistant game director, they wanted all of them to be available to all players.
Developed by Blizzard Entertainment, "Overwatch" was released on May 24 and is playable on the PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows, and Xbox One.