'Overwatch' Character News: Symmetra's Skin To Draw Conflict With Hinduism

President of the Universal Society of Hinduism Rajan Zed has requested for Blizzard to remove one of Symmetra's skin which depicts one of the Hindu's respected gods, Devi.

Devi, the Sanskrit word for "goddess," is an important goddess to the religion of Hinduism. She has been worshiped for centuries and is associated with creationism. Symmetra on the other hand is an "Overwatch" character who bend reality. She manipulates the world through the manipulation of the hard-light constructs.

According to Comicbook, Rajan's statements say that Symmetra mocks the true power and essence of Devi. He pointed out that Blizzard has core values which includes "lead responsibly." In addition to this, according to Yibada, Blizzard still has not released any statement about the issue. It is still not known if the gaming company would remove or retain the controversial skin of Symmetra. We will be updating you about this topic real soon.

In other news, Game director Jeff Kaplan has just revealed new exciting news about "Overwatch" during an interview at Twitch livestream. A reddit user by the name of "MattRix" was able to give a short summary of what happened during the livestream. According to Yibada, Kaplan mentioned that they are currently working on a new game mode and as well as new character skins which might be completed at the end of summer.

"Overwatch" is a first-person shooter video game both developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. "Overwatch" is currently available on the latest gaming consoles such as the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and the PC.