'Overwatch' Character Update: Fans’ Clues Hint Sombra As Title’s Mystery Character

In line with "Overwatch's" character line-up, fans continue to speculate that the title's mystery character is Sombra.

As per Game Detectives, sending an e-mail to tips@amomentincrome.com leads to a receipt of an automated e-mail response. According to the publication, the codes are timestamp numbers, where AA is interpreted as the number of skill, BB as the row, and CC as the column. The codes lead to a 5x5 table, which can be interpreted as SOMBR@1NF:rM@7iON1SP0vvErrSOMBR@, which translates as Sombra Information is power Sombra.

Protocolo Sombra is also the subject of a photo posted on Blizzard Watch. The text also says "Acceso No Autorizado."

Another forum thread involved binary codes, which is reportedly a count down to the game's 23rd hero, Sombra, as per IGN. The said codes were posted by forum member TurtleGod on Battle webpage. The subject title is 01101000 01101001.

With such speculations, Blizzard is yet to reveal details on the mystery character soon.

"Overwatch" is Blizzard's team-based multiplayer first-person shooting video game. The tile is played with a couple of six-player teams and each player assumes the role of various pre-defined hero characters with distinct skills set and features. The characters are also classified into four - Support, Tank, Offense, and Defense.

Blizzard Entertainment's "Overwatch" was released for the Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, and PlayStation 4 on May 24.

Watch the cinematic trailer for "Overwatch" here.