'Orphan Black' Season 3 Episode 2 Synopsis Spoilers: Male Clones’ Motives in ‘Transitory Sacrifices of Crisis’ [VIDEO]

The premiere of 'Orphan Black' Season 3 left behind a series of new mysteries and the most important of them is related to the male clones. While it was apparent that Project Castor clones (Ari Millen) were pursuing the Project Leda clones (Tatiana Maslany), no reason for this was revealed. However, the official synopsis of the Season 3 episode 2 titled 'Transitory Sacrifices of Crisis' offers some clues regarding the motives of the male clones.

Quoting the synopsis, IB Times reports that the men clones want the women clones with a view to obtain "original tissue samples." From what it looks like, the male clones are working on their individual science project. While doing so, the male clones will commit a mistake that will allow Sarah and Art (Kevin Hanchard) to come closer to them. The synopsis teases, "The Castor boys are also out to play, toying with a frightened young woman, Patty, in a ... switcheroo that ultimately sets Sarah -- and Art -- hot on the Castor trail."

According to the synopsis of 'Transitory Sacrifices of Crisis,' when Sarah comes quite close, she will understand that "they may have a mysterious defect that puts their lives in peril." Now the question is whether or not the Castor clones will become sick like Cosima. It appears that the male clones may also endure the same problem that is faced by the girls. Nevertheless, it doesn't seem that they will be agreeing to work together.

The synopsis suggests that even Helena may confront a Castor clone. It further states that the pregnant clone will be "examined by a mysterious new villain." Trailers of the episode released earlier have shown one of the male clones looking into the box wherein Helena is being held captive. It is possible that this male clone will be the antagonist referred to in the synopsis.

However, everything is not bad for the clones in 'Orphan Black' Season 3 episode 2. Fans will see Sarah reuniting with Cal (Michiel Huisman), while Paul (Dylan Bruce) will also make his return in this episode.

'Orphan Black' Season 3 episode 2 titled 'Transitory Sacrifices of Crisis' airs on Saturday, April 25, at 9:00 pm EDT on BBC America.