'Orphan Black' Season 3 Episode 2 Synopsis: Castor Clones go After Leda Clones, 'Original Tissue Samples'

The premiere of Orphan Black season 3 revealed several new mysteries, with the biggest of all being the male clones. The Project Castor clones were going after the Project Leda clones, but it was unclear why.

The synopsis of the season's second episode however, gives viewers some answers to this big question. The episode synopsis says that the men want the women so that they can get "original tissue samples".

Apparently, they are working on an experiment, but they will make a mistake that allows Sarah and Art get closer to them. When this happens, Sarah will realize that the men might have a defect that is fatal.

This may put them in the same predicament as the female clones, though the two groups do not appear to be interested in working together.

Helena may also have to face a Castor clone, as previous trailers have shown one of the male clones looking into the box where she is being held prisoner, and the synopsis teases that Helena, who is pregnant will be "examined by a mysterious villain."

In episode 2, Sarah will also meet up with Cal again and Paul will make a comeback as well.

Orphan Black season 3 episode two is titled "Transitory Sacrifices of Crisis", and it will air this Saturday at 9pm Eastern Daylight Time on BBC America.

Fans biggest question now is whether or not Cal will ultimately distract Sarah from her mission, which now appears to be more important than ever before.

Watch this Saturday's episode to find the answer to that and more of the season's new mysteries.