Trending News|April 27, 2015 01:19 EDT
'Orange is The New Black' Season 3 Release Date, Cast Rumors: Martha Stewart Inspired Character to Appear?
The upcoming season of the Netflix hit series 'Orange is the New Black' has a lot of new things in store for its viewers coming back for its third season in June. Beyond that, it has also been confirmed that there will be a new character, which is a Martha Stewart-inspired personality, and a fourth season!
Well, the third season hasn't started yet but rumors and several speculations are already circulating the Internet claiming that the show will have another interesting character which was just confirmed to be Martha Stewart-inspired one.
What Jenji Kohan just revealed was an interesting factor that excited so many fans. Apparently, Kohan, the creator of the series had someone "southern" taken in for the show to add a little more flavor into the mix of the already loved characters in the show.
Although Kohan didn't exactly reveal who this new character will be, the important thing is that as the time goes by, more and more details are being released about the show as it was previously quite strict in not revealing a tidbit of information.
It has been said that the release date will be on June 12, 2015 and from then on, fans can already confirm all the rumors going around including a new theme that will be inculcated in the show. Cast member Laverne Cox who plays Sophia Burset in the show recently enticed the fans about that theme.
"It's gonna be intense. Jenji was really interested in faith and what we believe in as a theme for this third season, so there's a lot of that permeates...Sophia may or may not get in some major conflict with another prisoner," Cox reportedly said.
Not only that, a lot more will happen with the characters in the show like Mary Steenburgen's character who is said to try to gain custody of Daya's baby and since Daya accused Pornstache of rape which got her pregnant.
A lot of relationship trouble will also happen between Alex and Piper as Piper was the real reason that Alex was behind bars and Alex is still uninformed of that matter.