Trending News|March 30, 2015 03:48 EDT
OnePlus New Device News, Rumors: Chinese Smartphone Manufacturer has Developed a Drone?
For some weeks now, Chinese smartphone manufacturer OnePlus has been showing us glimpses of a mystery device, which it has been claiming is "game changer." Early this month, OnePlus co-founder Carl Pei suggested that the tech company has plans to expand its product line beyond smartphones.
Since Pei had confirmed that the device the company was teasing would not be a smartwatch or a tablet, many felt that the "game changer" tag indicated it would be some kind of a gaming device. Now, quoting an OnePlus engineer's post in Reddit AMA, Tech Radar reports that OnePlus has finally confirmed that the device is a drone, which will be marketed from April.
According to the OnePlus engineer, whose Reddit username in devildv, "It's a drone, the DR-1 and we will start selling it next month." Now tech enthusiasts will have to wait for some more time to know whether the engineer's revelation regarding the device comes true or it is just a decoy.
However, one thing is certain - OnePlus has not shied away from promoting its forthcoming device. From what it has hinted so far, tech enthusiasts would be expecting a new gaming device - it may either be a handheld controller or even turn out to be a drone. Some people think it may be both.
The forum posted to announce the new device reads,"The One was created to disrupt the smartphone world. The Power Bank was born to give our users more options and greater mobility. So, when it came time to think about our next product, we decided on a curveball."
It is expected that OnePlus will be revealing all in April, officially announcing all the new products it has in store for the tech enthusiasts. In addition, tech enthusiasts are also eagerly waiting for the company's next smartphone, the OnePlus Two. It is expected that the upcoming smartphone will be released some time later this year.