'Once Upon A Time' Season 4 Finale Spoilers, News: Last Episode Puts Emma in the Spotlight

The two part finale of 'Once Upon A Time' is fast approaching and the series' creators have given us all a little taste about what's to come. So far it's been made clear that the finale won't mirror the Season 3 finale.

On that note, co-creator Eddy Kitsis gave this statement to TV Line in an effort to let fans in on some spoilers, he said:

"We make good on what Regina was after, in the sense that she wanted to find the Author and have him rewrite endings ... Usually we're like, 'Hey, we're going to a new land,' but this is much more in the vein of when Gold looked up (at the end of Season 1) and said, 'Magic is coming,' where a condition on the show changed as opposed to the characters changing."

Emma's actions in latest episode are going to largely dictate how the finale will wrap up.

"The reverberations of Emma's dark action become the driving force for what happens in the next two episodes followed by the two-hour finale," states Kitsis, "Emma has crossed a line."

The next episode is titled 'Lily' and here's the synopsis:

"Emma's potential for darkness is looming over everyone, but when Emma realizes Maleficent's daughter Lily is in fact her closest friend from her foster care days, she resolves to find Lily and reunite her with her mother. Regina joins forces with Emma and together they set out to track down Lily and to warn Robin about Zelena. However, neither of them is prepared for the harsh realities they'll encounter in the outside world. Meanwhile, in Storybrooke, Gold faces a crisis involving Belle. In a foster care flashback, things are looking up for young Emma with her new family until Lily's appearance threatens to destabilize everything."