'No Man's Sky' PS4 Launch Date News: Game to Release Later This Year

There hasn't been many details or development news given about the upcoming PS4 title, 'No Man's Sky,' that it almost seems like the game may never get released, however Sony employee Shahid Kamal Ahmad keeps fans in anticipation through teaser tweets.

His tweets usually point to vague reasons as to why the game is amazing, such as:

"Whenever I think of 'No Man's Sky,' whenever I see it, whenever I hear about it, one word comes to mind every time: WOAH!"

It is debatable that the Sony representative is just attempting to have fun with the fans of the game.

"All things considered, these tweets don't necessarily confirm that Ahmad has spent personal gameplay time with an unfinished build of the experience. To meet those requirements, he teased replies by saying 'if only you could see what these eyes have seen'. The statement suggests that his position as a Sony employee has allowed him to see demos or gameplay that has not been revealed to the public," writes Design N Trend.

Ahmad has since hinted at his knowledge of the game's release date when he responded to a tweet that asked him to reveal it. He stated:

"You know full well I will not answer that," implying that he does indeed know.

'No Man's Sky' doesn't yet have an official release date, but is slated for later this year.