'No Man's Sky' PC Update: Game’s Patch 1.04-1.07 Is The Largest, Contains Fixes To Corrupt Crashes And Gameplay

New details accompany Hello Games' "No Man's Sky" update and as per reports, the update is the largest to date.

The updates, called Patch 1.04-1.07, cover fixes to issues like corrupt games, stuck characters in the world, and crash bugs, along with several gameplay tweaks and improvements, according to Hello Games. According to PC Gamer, the update also includes a number of upgrades for the PC version, making it the largest update so far.

In a statement, as posted on "No Man's Sky's" official website, Hello Games mentioned that they had received feedback and discussion, following the games' release few weeks ago. As per the studio, no matter what feedback players had given them, they had been heard and they were listening carefully.

According to Hello Games, the past few weeks allowed them to create a community or support management on board, support issues players raise through categorizing them and fixing them in order of priority, release four patches for Microsoft Windows and PlayStation4, and write patch notes for the said patches.

As per the studio, the present focus is what they do, instead of what they say. As developers, they are geared on focusing on issue resolution, which is followed by the creation, improvement, and expansion, of the "No Man's Sky" universe through future free updates.

"This is a labour of love for us, and it's just the beginning," the studio said.

Released on Aug. 9, "No Man's Sky" is playable on the PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Windows.