'No Man’s Sky' Release Date Update: Delayed for Further Enhancement

Rumors of a release date for 'No Man's Sky' has made online gamers across the nation excited. The game is much anticipated due to the so called "survival excitement" that can entice adrenaline rush.

A cancellation of launching said game was made despite of its demonstration made by Sean Murray on June 15, 2015, during the Los Angeles, Calif., Sony E3 press conference.

According to FoodWorldNews, the delay is due to some technical problems that need to be addressed before an official 'No Man's Sky' release date can be set, as the developer want to present a perfect game experience for users.

As reported, the delays are not a big deal among the online community, as many consider 'No Man's Sky' to be the biggest game in the history, therefore a further development must be done for enhancement.

In addition, with its 18 quintillion worlds, it will take some estimated 584 billion years for gamers to discover all the planets in the game. The setting is considered to be an infinite galaxy with a pace of one planet every second.

Meanwhile, Hello Games is conducting further enhancement for the game that includes working out when it comes to its optimization for a faster processing of data.

In addition, the developer and manufacturer would want to develop a sci-fi world that can be experienced via the Virtual Reality Project's Morpheus headgear.