In the news|December 08, 2014 11:54 EST
SNL Hip-Hop Nativity Skit with Nicki Minaj Shares Parody of Jesus' Birth, Urges People He's 'The Reason for the Season' [WATCH HERE]
The hip-hop nativity made its debut on 'Saturday Night Live' (SNL) this weekend featuring Nicki Minaj as Beyoncé, who was acting as Mary the mother of Jesus. The comical sketch was perhaps meant to poke fun at hip-hop entertainers but it actually shared the account of the birth of Jesus in what they labeled is "the reason for the season."
The sketch was called 'Jingle Ballers' and started off with a host introducing the new "MTV" presentation of the "Hip-Hop Nativity." "Its time for us to take a moment and remember the reason for the season," the announcer said.
A mock Rihanna was then introduced, dressed as an angel the actress sang a revised version of "Shine Bright Like a Diamond" where she said, "fear not I bring you tidings of great joy, Jesus lay in the hay." She then introduced a fake Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj as Beyoncé pretended to be Joseph and Mary and she called Mary, "The original teen mom who don't need no sex to make a child."
After a very believable mock Justin Bieber spoke as Joseph and informed the viewers that Jesus had to be born amongst the animals because they couldn't get a hotel, Minaj took center stage as Beyoncé. Acting as Mary and Beyoncé, Minaj spoke of Jesus and said He was "flawless." She then said He would later on turn water into wine and everyone would be "drunk in love."
"It's your boy Yeezus and I'm baby Jesus," the actor introduced both his characters as he burst out of the manger. "I am a God, and my dad is a God, and I ain't my dad, isn't that rad, just cause it's complicated that doesn't mean that it's bad," he rapped.
The fake Rihanna then ended the skit by saying, "that's exactly how it happened and 300 years later he still," every one then joined in and sang "shines bright like a star."
Watch the full skit below: