In the news|April 30, 2015 09:11 EDT
NFL 2015 Draft News: Former Missouri Defensive End Shane Ray Cited For Marijuana Possession
According to a report from ESPN, Former Missouri defensive end Shane Ray was cited for marijuana possession early on Monday morning. For those that may not know, Ray is projected to be a first round pick in the 2015 NFL Draft.
The report from ESPN states "Ray was pulled over for speeding while driving westbound on Interstate 70 at 5:46 am, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol spokesman Cpl. Scott White.
According to White, the officer detected the smell of fresh -- not burning -- marijuana, and after conducting a search found a 'personal amount' in one of the car's compartments."
Ray was then issued a misdemeanor citation, both for his possession of the marijuana and his traffic violation, as he had failed to drive in the right lane of the highway.
White also states that Ray was cooperative and did not show any signs that he was impaired or under the influence of any substance. He has been ordered to appear in Cooper County court on June 30th.
Unfortunately, this citation, as well as some reports that he may need toe surgery has caused his name to drop on some off the team boards.
In a statement, Ray said that playing professional football has always been his goal, and is very important to him.
He promised that in future, his actions would represent that fact and that he would not make any excuses for himself, but make sure that a there would not be any repetition of the incident.
"I will not jeopardize my ability to have a positive impact on and off the field moving forward", states Ray.