New 'Spider-Man' Movie News: Criteria For Character Revealed In Leaked Emails

Thanks to Wikileaks the public now has access to a slew of Spider-Man and Peter Parker details for the new portrayal in the MCU.

The information comes from a bunch of email leaks from Sony Pictures and details the character traits that the character must fall in for and Marvel or Sony film. This is reportedly all included in a big licensing agreement adding validity to what we can expect.

The report from Gawker first lists the mandatory traits for the sole superhero himself, Spider-Man. It follows:

- Male

- Does not torture

- Does not kill unless in defense of self or others??- Does not smoke tobacco?- Does not sell/distribute illegal drugs?- Does not have sex before the age of 16, does not have sex with anyone below the age of 16

- Not a homosexual (unless Marvel has portrayed that alter ego as a homosexual)

- Does not use foul language beyond PG-13

These at least fall in line with what we know Spider-Man to be. The specifications for the character Peter Parker however are a bit more strict. It follows:

- His full name is Peter Benjamin Parker.

- He is Caucasian and heterosexual.

- His parents become absent from his life during his childhood.

- From the time his parents become absent he is raised by Aunt May and Uncle Ben in New York City.

- He gains his powers while attending either middle school or college.?- He gains his powers from being bitten by a spider.

- He designs his first red and blue costume.

- The black costume is a symbiotic and not designed by him.

- He is raised in a middle class household in Queens, New York.

- He attends or attended high school in Queens, New York, and he attends or attended college in New York City, New York.

While some have expressed gripes with the studio's race and sexual orientation specifications, it is something to note that these are only outlying Peter Parker, leaving room for other Spider-Man versions to be portrayed differently.

"There is, however, clear direction about the race and sexual orientation of Peter Parker. According to contract, Peter Parker won't be played by anyone other than a Caucasian actor - something notable given 20th Century is changing the race of Johnny Storm in August's Fantastic Four reboot, either due to a contractual agreement with Marvel or the lack of a legal requirement in the licensing agreement," writes Newsarama.