New Spider-Man Actor News, Rumors: New Actor to Helm Role Comes Forward via Reddit Post?

In the world of Marvel's Spider-Man casting rumors, comes another contender speculated to be up for the role.

It's become apparent that the movie studio is indefinitely looking for a young caucasian male around the age of 16-18 to helm the role. While actors of that description are a dime a dozen, a recent thread on Reddit listed actors they felt would be a good fit.

'Ender's Game' actor, Asa Butterfield's name popped up and and he later responded:


"I can do 'thin little bespectacled dweeb' pretty good, not far from myself actually."

Whether this was a nod to him being considered or his way of putting in his bid for the character has yet to be revealed.

"Details are sparse and I'm sure we'll have more going forward if we can get some people to spill some names, but Asa Butterfield might have Reddit suggested his way into an audition. Or they were always going to look at Asa either way and he just happened to be making coy comments about wanting the part on Reddit. Either way, might as well through Asa Butterfield on the 'people considered' list. It's another 16/17 year old brunette white guy, seems to fit," writes Latino Review.