New Nexus 2015 Smartphone News, Rumors: Will Google Use LG G4 as Base Model for Upcoming Handset?

With LG Electronics Company confirming that it will launch its latest flagship smartphone LG G4 on April 29 in South Korea, it is expected that Google is now gearing up for its much-anticipated Nexus 2015 device, which, according to some reports, will use the LG G4 as its base model. However, there are other reports that assert that this will not be so easy.

Christian Today says that there are several rumors that suggest that Google is actually considering finding a different handset to use as the base model for the Nexus 2015. This is mainly because the LG G4 comes with an unimpressive processor and overall features. However, many reports have suggested that now Google will not have to look any further as rumors suggest that the LG G4 Note will be a more powerful handset.

Based on reports speculating the features and specifications of the LG G4 Note, it appears that the device will be able to serve the purpose of the Mountain View, California-based tech giant. Different from the LG G4, which is still wrapped in plastic, reports suggest that the G4 Note will be slick device with metal and glass. Moreover, the handset will is expected to be equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor, or a Snapdragon 820, provided the processor still exists at that time.

In contradiction of such reviews, many are of the view that it will be better if Google follows the LG G4 for its upcoming Nexus 2015 smartphone. Others, however, say that the plastic encasing of the device is not of as much importance as the 5.5-inch Quad HD display and stellar camera combinations of the device. Advertised as a device that captures great images even in poor light, the imaging package of the LG G4, which comes with a 16-megapixel rear-facing shooter and an 8-megapixel front camera, is enough evidence of the fact that the Nexus 2015 will be a wonderful handse if Google follows the LG G4 as its base model.

These specs added with Google's eagerness in offering Nexus users a determined on-the-go Internet connection and continuous wireless service will make the Nexus 2015 a promising feat, priced reasonably. Many believe that all these could, in fact, give the next iPhone a run for its money.