Trending News|September 13, 2016 06:09 EDT
'New Horizon: Zero Dawn' Release Date: Game Blends Robots, Nature In 4K Resolution Gameplay Trailer [WATCH]
Guerrilla Games has released the gameplay video for "Horizon Zero Dawn" for PlayStation 4 Pro.
The clip opens with the lead chaacter Aloy in the forerst. It is noted that she uses her bow and arrow as weapon. The locale, which has many trees and plateaus, is also inhabited by several flocks of birds. Along with the aves, the video also features a creature, which resembles a giraffe or a long-necked dinosaur, except for it is gigantic and robotic in appearance.
As the clip goes on, Aloy moves forward and encounters a robotic creature, which resembles a small velociraptor. She takes it down, jumps on to the previous creature and climbs to its head. At the top, she puts her spear n the middle of the creatures head, which shows her a map. After that, the clip reveals that the quest "Tallneck: Spearshafts" has been complted, along with the rewards obtain for the quest.
Overall, the gameplay video shows a blend of ancient elements, such as the forest setting, and modern elements, such as the robotic creatures.
According to Game Spot, the gameplay video featured verticality and mobility, which added a thrilling aspect to "Horizon Zero Dawn's gameplay," not to mention that the game is set to run in 4K.
Along with the enhanced graphics, the game is set to cover both the regular PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro iterations, according to The Verge. As seen in Guerrilla Games' clip, it is assumed that the post-apocalyptic survival video game is set to provide players thrilling and engaging gaming experience.
"Horizon Zero Dawn" is set to be released for the PlayStation 4 Pro in Feb. 2017. Watch the Horizon Zero Dawn Gameplay Trailer below.