Trending News|July 09, 2015 09:40 EDT
Mt. Zion AME Church Fire News: Seventh Black Church Up in Flames
The Mt. Zion AME Church in Greeleyville, South Carolina went up in flames on Tuesday, which makes it the seventh black church to go up in flames since nine black church goers were shot dead in Charleston last month.
The brick facade of the church remained standing, but the inside of it was completely gutted.
Investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the fire at Mt. Zion, and it is unknown whether foul play is suspected, according to The Post and Courier.
There was a lot of lightning in the area at the time that the flames are thought to have begun, which may have struck the church and caused it to ignite, speculated Mark Keel, the State Law Enforcement Division Chief.
However, based on recent events, he has expressed some concern that the cause of the fire could be more malicious.
On June 17th, Dylann Roof shot and killed nine people who were attending a Bible study class at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston.
He has been charged with nine counts of murder in what is being determined a hate crime.
Since that incident, there have been at least six other black churches set on fire in addition to Mt. Zion.
There has been no evidence found that determine that these are hate crimes, or that the fires are even linked to one another although two of the may be the result of arson, according to a report from CNN.
Much like Emanuel AME Church, Mt. Zion AME Church is a historic building. It was originally built in 1906, but burned down by the Ku Kluk Klan in 1995. Shortly afterwards it was rebuilt, however.