'Mortal Kombat X' News: Last-Gen Consoles Will Not Support 'Mortal Kombat X'

After many months of efforts to release Mortal Kombat X for last-generation consoles, Warner Bros. has cancelled the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game.

This move was made on the basis that versions of the game for both these last-gen machines have not been meeting the standards "expected of a Mortal Kombat game," according to PC Mag.

The company has not elaborated on the reason behind the withdrawal beyond this, however the cancellation highlights even further the problems that transitioning to a new platform is causing developers.

Developing a game to run on multiple platforms past 2 or 3 is a tough and expensive task.

Added to this problem is the question of whether there is much point for studios to continue developing legacy support when most homes now own the most current systems.

The cancellation is not unexpected. Polygon reported that the last-gen version was slated to be released in April.

In March, however, Warner Bros. apologized that the last-gen versions would not be available at the same time as the current-gen ports, and would only come out in June.

The June coming out date was then pushed even further, all the way to December, and the final result is that old school gamers will not see versions of it at all.

Full refunds at retailers have been offered to customers who pre-ordered copies, along with apologies from Warner Bros. about their failure to deliver the highly-anticipated game as earlier promised.