'Mortal Kombat X' New DLC News: New Jason Voorhees Download Pack Launched for Latest MK Game

Mortal Kombat's upcoming downloadable content release is being celebrated by Warner Bros. Interactive, with the posting of a new trailer.

The trailer features all of the violence that fans of the game, from NetherRealm Studios, have come to expect and love. The "Jason Voorhees" Bundle for Mortal Kombat X will be made available for Kombat Pack owners to download early.

This is the first time that fans have been able to see Jason Voorhees in game play for an extended time.

Based on the footage in the trailer, Vorhees will be using his machete as his main attack weapon. In the trailer, he is seen moving "from hacking, to jabbing, to brutally slashing" according to IGN.

The move set that will become available with the "Jason Voorhees" Bundle will only serve to reemphasize the game's rating of "Mature." Jason Voorhees will be added as a playable character and in addition to this, the bundle will come with the "Horror Pack."

This pack features three horror themed skins, including "Vampiress Mileena, "Pharaoh Ermac" and "Kraken Reptile".

For those players who do not already own the Kombat Pack, the "Jason Voorhees" Bundle will be made available for purchase on May 12th. It will be priced at 8 dollars in the United States and 7 pounds in the United Kingdom.

Jason will be available for purchase just as an added character for $5 in the US and 4 pounds in the UK, and the Horror Pack can be purchased separately as well for 4 dollars or 3 pounds.