‘Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation’ Spoilers: New Trailer Shows Tom Cruise in Jaw-Dropping Stunts [VIDEO]

The new trailer of 'Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation' reveals that nothing seems to be impossible for the daredevil actor Tom Cruise. It promises fans that they will not only be able to see more stunts, many jaw-dropping ones by the star himself, but will also get more story. In addition, there will be more presence of Cruise.

IB Times reports that aside from the usual death-defying stunts by Cruise, in 'Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation,' audiences will get their first sneak of what the "Rogue Nation" actually is. In the very first minute of the trailer, a dreadful sounding Alec Baldwin declares that it's time to dissolve the Impossible Mission Force or IMF, the covert organization for which Cruise's character Ethan Hunt works. As the trailer comes to close, and after being spotted by the CIA radar, Ethan and his associates are seen surrounded by a desperado anti-IMF force.

In the trailer, Ethan is seen telling his colleagues, "This might be our last mission."

Below is an account of the four most spine-tingling moments from the latest trailer of 'Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation.'

  •  Dives without any gear

Right at the start of the trailer, Cruise's character Ethan is informed that he needs to dive into 70,000 gallons of pressured water without an oxygen tank. "No oxygen tank?" Ethan asks. Nope, no scuba gear for you, Ethan! Audiences will certainly hold their breath in the theaters while watching this part.

  •  Market car chase

Over the decades, several action movies have repeated the same popular chase sequence through a far-off bazaar. However, the audiences can expect an extra spin when Ethan takes the wheel (in fact, just a moment after he was resuscitated).

  •  Cruise's perfect double kick

In the trailer, Ethan is seen using both feet to thump a baddie's chest. Cruise seems to have perfected this art and can be seen pulling off the move twice in the new trailer before escaping skillfully.

  •  Explosive motor cycle chase

This is possibly the most fast-paced stunt in the new trailer. A few seconds of the new motorcycle chase shown in the trailer suggests that there will be more high-stakes sequences in the movie.

Last, but not the least impressive is the Cruise's stunt of hanging off the side of an airplane while its takes off.

'Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation' will hit the theaters on July 31.