Miss Universe 2015 Winner Recap: Steve Harvey's Mistake Leads To Massive Crowd Reaction?

An huge mistake led to a massive crowd reaction during the announce of the Miss Universe 2015 winner.

After Steve Harvey announced the 2nd runner up, which is Ms. USA (Olivia Jordan), the pageant is only down to two beautiful contestants.

Ms. Philippines (Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach) and Columbia (Ariadna Gutierrez) face each other and hold each other's hands as they wait for the announcement. The tension and excitement grows bigger as Steve is set to reveal the winner. Steve announces that the 2015 Miss Universe winner is Ms. Columbia!

Everyone in the venue cheered as they congratulate what everyone thought of was the winner. The 2014 Miss Universe winner crowns Ms. Columbia, an emotional Gutierrez waves to the crowd as Wurtzbach goes with the other final contestants on the side of the stage.

All of a sudden, Steve Harvey comes back. This time we could see it on his face that he's a bit pale and nervous; as if he had done something wrong.

He apologized to everyone at the event and said that there has been a huge mistake. The shocked audience were silenced as they let the worried Steve Harvey finish his announcement. Harvey continued by exposing the card containing the winners to the audience; saying that he had announced the wrong winner. He said that Ms. Columbia is actually the 1st Runner up, therefore, making Ms. Philippines the 2015 Miss Universe winner.

It was a bit awkward. Ms. Philippines is on the side and she doesn't know how to react to the announcement. She was smiling but she wasn't able to keep that smile because she also feels bad for Ms. Columbia. Now they're going to have to take away the crown from Ms. Columbia who had already celebrated and put it on Ms. Philippines' head.

It was a strange ending to a very prestigious event. For some of the broadcasts, they didn't show Wurtzbach doing her victory wave to the audience at the venue anymore. What an awkward way to end the night.