Microsoft Xbox Gold April Deals News: Final Day to Avail Top Game Discounts

Excited gamers will be happy to learn that Microsoft's Deals with Gold includes discounted versions of Forza Horizon 2 this week.

According to IGN, the Digital, Deluxe and Ultimate editions of Forza Horizon 2, which was developed by Playground Games, have been discounted as well as the game's add on, Car Pass.

The Deluxe and Ultimate versions of the game have been marked down by 30 percent, while the Digital version has received a 20 percent discount.

In terms of content for Xbox 360, several Serious Sam games are being sold at a 67 percent discount, along with a few more Arcade games.

These include, but are not limited to Metal Slug 3 and Samurai Showdown II. It would appear that Microsoft is working with a Fast 7 theme for this week's deals.

According to IGN's website, "Microsoft released a Fast & Furious themed stand alone expansion for Forza Horizon 2 just last month."

While there have been longer lists of games for Xbox One included in the Deals With Gold series, there is several more options for owners of the Xbox 360. Not every deal to be included in the least will require an Xbox Live Gold membership.

For instance, Garou Mark of the Wolves, The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match and 2002 Unlimited Match, King of Fighters Sky Stage, and Neogeo Battle Coliseum will be made available to Xbox Silver users as well.

These deals are available now and will be until April 13. So if you own an Xbox and are and Xbox gold or Silver subscriber, get online as soon as possible, and take advantage of the opportunity to own these awesome games at a considerably lower price.