Microsoft News: Tech Titan Plans to Use Drones to Eradicate Mosquito-Borne Diseases

In a novel move, Microsoft researchers are working on ingenious and autonomous drones that will possess the aptitude to collect mosquitoes using a trap as well as cloud computing-based analysis of gene sequences present in these small insects. The project aims at preventing outbreak of mosquito-borne diseases.

A report in Tech Radar states that project Prenomination, launched by the Redmond-based tech company, is being lead by Ethan Jackson, who is working to develop a system that aims to identify outbreak of infectious disease before they turn out to be pervasive.

The researchers shared that this project would enable health officials instantly work on preventing outbreaks of a disease such as dengue fever or avian flu even before it occurs, irrespective of the fact whether it is spread by mosquitoes. This will be accomplished relying on what Jackson calls "nature's drones" - mosquitoes - to try to find early signs that a particular disease could be progressing.

Already the researcher team has developed a novel mosquito trap that utilizes less energy and works on lighter weight batteries. This trap comes with a new bait system that lures mosquitoes - a sensor that mechanically separates the mosquitoes from the other insects and chemicals. These mosquitoes can also be preserved for lab study.

According to the report, instead of placing the mosquito traps on the ground directly, researchers will use drones that possess the ability to fly the mosquito traps into and out of inaccessible areas.

It is worth mentioning here that researchers at Microsoft have started developing means to make the drones further autonomous. Currently, they are also working with US Federal Aviation Administration officials on regulatory requirements, a post on the company's blog stated.

After collecting the mosquitoes, the next challenge is to examine them for microbes and viruses that may possibly pose a hazard to humans.