'Metal Gear Solid 5' News: Creator Hideo Kojima Forms New Studio

The creator of 'Metal Gear Solid 5' videogame, Hideo Kojima, has decided to establish his own studio. In this manner, he will have greater creative and business freedom. The developer plans to create a game exclusively intended for Sony's PlayStation 4. In the past few months, Kojima's creative activities were shrouded in mystery. This prompted some speculations about the projects he is working on.

Kojima recently decided to resign from the arcade game company, Konami. The exact details about the reasons or circumstances surrounding the sudden resignation were unclear. This fuelled rumors that were spread by fans and videogame journalists. Many wondered and offered plausible explanations about the resignation of this famed game creator.

Finally, after several weeks of being silent, Mr. Kojima has announced to the public that he will work on creating a game that is exclusive for the PlayStation 4. Despite of this revelation, neither the developer nor Sony specified the details of the game. The date of release also remains to be indeterminate. According to a statement released to the media, it was claimed that the new studio will "push the boundaries in innovation." Although it is still very vague, it could be just what it says considering the reputation of Hideo Kojima as a game creator.

It would definitely be a new challenge for Mr. Kojima to have his own studio. Going into business as an independent contractor has relatively greater uncertainties compared to being an employee. However, the potential return is great. The developer promised that he will deliver a result that will make PlayStation a compelling franchise.