Mayweather vs. Pacquiao Fight 2015 News: Jamie Foxx Criticized for National Anthem Rendition

This past Saturday was a huge night for pay-per-view television with the highly anticipated Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao fight.

As custom for boxing matches, a representative from each country was tasked to sing their respective national anthem. While it delighted a lot of fans to see the highly successful entertainer Jamie Foxx get granted the opportunity, many were soon dismayed to hear the singer's rendition. Foxx's national anthem has since received a number of bad reviews.

"The actor's version of The Star-Spangled Banner was reworked so heavily - it became virtually unrecognizable; particularly at the end when the 47 year old A-lister interjected a series of ambitious riffs that ended in an extended church lady-esque 'Hallelujah'," writes The Grio.

It's unclear if Foxx came to the event under the influence or simply didn't prepare himself efficiently, but the actor has performed live before with satisfactory results.

In spite of Foxx most likely recognizing his lackluster performance, he was slammed at least twice as hard on social media.

Some notable Foxx bashing tweets follow, courtesy of Washington Post:

"Before the fight starts...can we make it a law that you aren't allowed to remix the National Anthem ?#JamieFoxx" - Laura Trout @Ltrout07

"Jamie Foxx should've sang the National Anthem as Ray Charles. ?#ThatWouldaKilled" -Mike E. Winfield @MikeEWinfield

"Remember when Jamie Foxx sang the national anthem well? Nope, me neither." - Damon Bruce @DamonBruce

"Dude. Jamie Foxx. Seriously. Those aren't the notes. ?#PacquiaoMayweather" - David Binkowski @dbinkowski

As it stands, Foxx has yet to respond on the performance.