Trending News|April 15, 2015 08:41 EDT
‘Mass Effect 4’ News: Dev Team Teases 'Insane Details' in Upcoming Game on Twitter
The Montreal-based game company Bioware is endlessly teasing 'Mass Effect 4' fans with successive tweets about its current character development. Senior Development Director Chris Wynn's tweet has proven to many fans that the game will be running very smoothly, graphics-wise.
"Busy showing and telling the latest Mass Effect progress to the team. The amount of detail on the characters is insane," He tweeted, leading the slew of tweets from other members of Bioware's dev team.
Aside from the upcoming Mass Effect 4, the team is also setting up a secret IP which Senior Creative Director Preston Watamaniuk is getting his hands on. Sensibly, to add more drama the team has hashtagged it #SecretIP. Just a few days ago, he had tweeted that he has "yielded some progress on some very complicated design." But as to which part is he pertaining to-Mass Effect 4 or the Secret IP-he has not dropped any clues about this "complicated design."
Previously, the same tactic was observed when Bioware's Creative Director for Mass Effect Mac Walters hinted that the game is "looking great" when he was asked about the PC compatibility of the game.
Fans, of course, want more than just a tease of the upcoming Mass Effect 4 but Bioware is keeping every working asset to the game closely knit that even the previous leakage on the alleged October 2016 release is not found on a certain Kevin Plitzko's LinkedIn Page.
As it stands, there is surely more to be heard and seen at the upcoming E3 in June as Mass Effect 4 fans cross their fingers and their toes.