Trending News|June 05, 2015 09:35 EDT
Marvel New Series Rumors, News: Studio to Introduce The Punisher & More
Marvel has kicked off their Netflix takeover in huge way with their 'Daredevil' series, and with the inclusion of 'AKA Jessica Jones,' 'Luke Cage,' and 'Iron Fist' on the way things are only going to heat up.
Along with these anticipate series, a recent report suggest that Marvel's Netflix Phase 2 will introduce a whole host of new and interesting characters, including The Punisher, Ghost Rider, and Blade.
While this sounds like some very bankable ideas, the report goes on to highlight some of the issues with this.
Heroic Hollywood reports:
"The powers that be at Marvel have also been toying with the idea of adding characters like Punisher, Blade and Ghost Rider, but there are risks with each of those characters. Not only are they darker and more violent, but two of them require supernatural elements in order to tell their stories. The inclusion of these characters could send Netflix over to the goofy side, which is something they're very afraid of Ghost Rider would also rely on CGI too much for the studio's taste.
"It would also be difficult to incorporate the stories of these characters smoothly. Blade and Punisher are perceived to be rather one-note to carry a series on their own. The heavy level of violence is also perceived to be a risk. They want a 'hard PG-13,' instead of an R. And since none of the Defenders actively kill, throwing Punisher into the mix could be a challenge."
There is also news that Marvel is in negotiations to bring in some of their movie actors to appear in one or more of the Netflix series. One that has been frequently rumored is Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange in 'The Defenders' series.
This could consequently open up the doors for mini movies on the streaming network featuring smaller characters such as Black Widow and Hawkeye.