Trending News|May 13, 2015 08:35 EDT
Marvel Cinematic Universe News: Kevin Feige Says MCU Films Will Always Stay Funny
Fans of the MCU will recognize the films to be more comedic than they are serious or dark. The studio has worked very long to develop their specific tone, but spectators are all always wondering if the movies ever plan to experiment with something more brooding.
At a recent post screening of 'Age of Ultron' at the University of Southern California, Marvel President Kevin Feige held a Q&A. In this, he was posed the question if the MCU planned to forever keep their lightheartedness. Fans have always been curious about how the world would look with a more grim overtone, much like the DC films.
A student covering the Q&A posted his response:
"There is no dark turn in the MCU. He says every year fans come up to him and ask him if this movie is when the MCU goes 'dark' or takes a 'dark' turn. He said while the trailers may seem ominous or have a sense of impending doom, the movies do not have that feel, and will not. He said he 'Hoped people would catch on by now' - there will be no giant dark turns in the MCU where it then continues to head in that direction. The humor is in the DNA of the movies, there are no plans to change that."
Feige has a point. There is really no point in tampering with a tried, tested, and true formula. The studio wouldn't want to isolate the fan base that they've built off that.
The student later clarified Feige's statement saying he meant that "the movies will not be taking a really dark turn and lose the humor and stay down that path. Does that mean that there won't be terrible events, gravitas, or dark turns? No. It just means that they'll never lose the humor, and that the way Marvel is currently headed is the way they currently plan on staying headed. No 'sharp turns' in their movie - making strategy."