Mars One Project Latest, Mission Details: 100 Men & Women Sent to Colonize Red Planet in 2024?

The Mars One Mission project, organized by the not-for-profit Dutch Organization, has been the talk of the town for quite a few days now. The mission, which seeks to establish a colony on the neighboring planet, will send 50 men and 50 women to the Red Planet from Earth.

The mission will train the potential Martians for the next ten years, of which the best two women and two men will then be picked to man the spacecraft, which is due to depart in 2024, according to the Daily Mail.

The Dutch Organization claims the necessary funds shall be raised by the television program, which will document the entire project and tour.

Speaking to Express about finding life on the red planet, one of the shortlisted people, Maggie Lieu says, "It would be incredible to be the Adam and Eve of another planet. Because it is a colonization program, it's inevitable that eventually someone will procreate and it would be incredible to be the first mother on Mars. I'm sure it would be a challenge - nobody has done any research on giving birth in a low-gravity environment - but just being able to say that your baby was a Martian would be really funny."

In her blog post, Lieu said that it is not her sole aim to get pregnant on Mars, writing, "It would be a privilege to be the first woman to give birth on Mars, which would make her baby a Martian," according to the Daily Mail.

Speaking about the shortlisted students, the co-founder of the Dutch Mars One mission, Bas Lansdorp, "The large cut in candidates [from 200,000 to 100] is an important step towards finding out who has the right stuff to go to Mars," according to The Telegraph.

Hannah Earnshaw, 23, a PhD student in astronomy at Durham University, talking to the news agency said, "My family is pretty thrilled. They're really happy for me. Obviously it's going to be challenging, leaving Earth and not coming back. I've had support from my friends and family and we can still communicate via the internet."