Manny Pacquiao vs Floyd Mayweather Fight News: Physical Ticket Stubs still Plagued with Uncertainty

Boxing's biggest fight in recent history is just some two weeks away. If you're looking to catch the action, though, you'd be better served saving up for a pay-per-view buy than the astronomical ticket prices. As reported by the Associated Press, tickets have yet to be put on public sale with Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Manny Pacquiao's camps still in the midst of a stand-off over ticket allotments.

"It's bizarre, normally there's a public sale 10 weeks before the fight. To our knowledge, no one has a printed ticket in their hands right now," said Connor Gregoire, an analyst for Seatgeek.

It's not like it was going to be easy getting hands on tickets anyway, with prices ranging from $1,500 to upwards of $7,500. According to the AP report, Mayweather promoter Leonard Ellerbe said that tickets would be available for sale to the public this week, yet MGM officials has remained silent about the matter. An announcement was made by MGM only saying that there would a "limited number of tickets available for sale."

The previously announced prices for those that would go on sale have already reportedly tripled in the resale market despite no word on their official availability. The fighters' camps are said to be arguing over how many seats, and at which price level each would get.

"It's a real mess right now. I can only surmise the motivation is greed and an attempt to manipulate the tickets, otherwise why the holdup? I'm more than a little upset they're not for sale to the public," Pacquiao's manager Michael Koncz said, blaming the Mayweather camp.

"There's still so much up in the air for this fight that we're not allowing spec sales. We're not willing to take that risk now," Alison Salcedo of StubHub was quoted saying.

Spec tickets are tickets sold without the sellers actually having the tickets on hand.