Trending News|March 17, 2015 09:04 EDT
Madonna News: Pop Singer Opens Up about Getting Raped, Living in NYC, & Dating Tupac
On Sirius XM's "Howard Stern Show," pop icon Madonna opened up about her past to the host. Specifically she talked about being raped at the age of 19, when she first lived in New York City, and confirmed that she indeed dated late rapper Tupac Shakur.
Madonna had moved to the Big Apple when she was only 19-years-old. On the radio show she said that she had been extremely friendly to everyone, saying hello to anyone who passed her by. When she was going to dance class, she needed to use the pay phone because she locked herself out of the apartment.
A man, described as a gentleman at first, offered the young Madonna to use his phone at his apartment where there she was raped. When Madonna was asked if she reported the incident to the police, she said, "You've already been violated. It's just not worth it. It's too much humiliation."
After such a terrifying experience she was then asked if she ever wanted to return back to her hometown in Michigan. She then replied that she couldn't go back to being around "basic-thinking people."
Later on the show, Madonna also opened up about dating Tupac Shakur. Back in 1994, David Letterman asked on The Late Show if the two were dating. The singer was very offended by the accusation and raged on the show.
"I was mad at [David Letterman] when I said the F-word a lot. I was in a weird mood that day. I was dating Tupac Shakur at the time and the thing is he got me all riled up on life in general. So when I went on the show I was feeling very gangsta," she explained.
The 57-year-old will be going on a world tour this year, and plans on performing and making music for a long time.