In the news|February 24, 2015 08:42 EST
'Mad Men' Final Season 7 Spoilers: Cast Costume Photos Spoil Series Finale?
AMC's Mad Men is coming to a close with the second half of the seventh season premiering this April. With the anticipation rising, photos of the cast dressed as their characters were revealed earlier this week.
The style of the characters cloths reflect the changes that could very well happen. Moving on from the 1960s into the early part of the 1970s, the high-end characters of the show are definitely showing that they are successful and that they keep up with the latest trends.
Ladies of the show Megan, Joan, Peggy, Betty, and Sally all look their part in the new promotional photos. All show confidence in their styles with Betty's floral dress and Sally's babydoll dress being among the outfits most mentioned across the Internet.
The men have also upped their fashion sense so as to adhere to the changing of time. Pete and Roger now have the big sideburn look of the 1970s. Don still looks classy and brooding as ever. The men's suits are making bold statement in the photos and they are looking very stylish.
In an interview with AMC, creator Matthew Weiner said, "The script, as I've told you, changed my life." Since Mad Men aired in 2007, it has gain phenomenal success, winning four Golden Globes and fourteen Emmys. It helped put cable television on the map to show viewers that this new type of show watching could be just as successful as regular broadcast programs.
Mad Men's last seven episodes start airing on AMC on Sunday, April 5.