In the news|April 07, 2015 03:52 EDT
‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Sequel News, Spoilers: Lead Actor Tom Hardy Talks Series Installments
The upcoming film, Mad Max: Fury Road soared to headline popularity when it was recently revealed that a teaser trailer for Batman V Superman would be attached to the film, which is directed by George Miller.
However, this movie, which is the first Mad Max film in 30 years has shown viewers that it is going to be an amazing movie, designed perfectly to be enjoyed on the big screen.
According to Screenrant "Ever since it stormed out of the gates at Comic-Con last year, the first Mad Max installment in 30 years has demonstrated it is an epic spectacle meant to be seen on the big screen."
Tom Hardy will be playing the leading man in the movie, which some say is a reboot for the entire series, with the potential to become Warner Bros. next big franchise.
As a matter of fact, Tom Hardy has already signed contracts to appear in three more movies after this one.
In an interview with Esquire Hardy revealed that he will be playing this role for a long period of time. But, he did warn fans to contain their excitement, because the prospect of sequels will depend greatly on whether or not Fury Road does well in the box office.
This is not shocking, as it is standard procedure in the Hollywood business.
Companies usually do not hesitate to get the documentation to make sequels possible with lead actors, especially when a movie shows promise of becoming a franchise. However, if the project is not a hit, the sequel is inevitably scrapped.
If you hope to see another Mad Max film in the near future, head to theaters on May 15th for Mad Max: Fury Road.