'Mad Max: Fury Road' News, Rumors: Tom Hardy Signed For Three More Movies

Fans excited for the premiere of Tom Hardy's 'Mad Max: Fury Road' will be delighted to hear that the studio has three more films in the vault if this first one goes well.

The recent trailers have revealed some amazing looking footage and in a recent interview with Esquire, Hardy speaks on his high anticipation. He stated that he's seen the final cut and that it absolutely blew him away.

"As for the pressure, Hardy says it's enormous. 'I've never been more excited and out of my comfort zone'. He's seen the film, and says it's 'unbelievable'. He's attached to a further three Mad Max films, though as he says, 'Everything's based on figures and how things are perceived. Inevitably it's a business'," writes Esquire.

Judging by what has been revealed, the movie should do very well. Hardy himself has been in some great films recently, so to get his cosign on this project can really mean something.

"But in this dusty, post-apocalyptic world where fuel and water are scarce and empathy even scarcer, Max is a character 'who has humanity within him still, despite the hopelessness of his environment. He has no home and he has no hope, but he's reluctant to give in'," writes Esquire.

'Mad Max' drops into theaters May 15th.