Movies|March 02, 2015 02:47 EST
Lupita Nyong'o News: '12 Years a Slave' Actress has 2015 Academy Awards Dress Stolen from Hotel Room
According to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, the dress that Lupita Nyong'o wore at this year's Academy Awards was stolen from her hotel room while she was away sometime on Wednesday, February 25.
Reports say that the $150,000 dress was stolen between 8:00 am and 9:00 pm on Wednesday. According to NBC News, authorities are working with the London Hotel in West Hollywood to find the culprit by looking through the hotel's security videos, questioning staff and taking fingerprints from the scene. Lt. William Nash of the Los Angeles County Sherriff's Department said, "At this point we don't have any idea who did it."
Lupita Nyong'o had worn the dress to this year's Academy Awards. The Calvin Klein dress was a highlight at the awards show as many photos were taken and reporters from networks and magazines were interviewing her from left to right. According to BBC the dress was designed by Francisco Costa, and it took a team of 25 people and a time of 10 weeks to hand-sew the 6,000 Akoya pearls to the dress.
Nyong'o told red carpet reporters that the dress was homage to two of her favorite things, Prince and the Sea. "We talked about it being fluid and liquid," she said.
The Kenyan born, 31-year-old actress made headlines at last year's Academy Awards as she won an Oscar for her supporting role in the film 12 Years a Slave. She also won a best supporting actress award at the Acapulco Black Film Festival and a breakthrough performance award from the African-American Film Critics Association (AAFCA) for the same film.
So far no arrests have been made in the alleged theft of the aforementioned dress.